I'm in need of your help!

The following image is the current state of my art project called: ‘Vrijheidsbeurs’. The installation is a reaction to the times we live in. We currently have the largest refugee crisis in the world. According to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, 82,4 million people are currently fleeing their homes to seek safety and asylum. Looking for freedom. Freedom is a fundamental right, but not so self-evident for everyone.

Vrijheidsbeurs prototype V1

The numbers that appear on the screen are the travel expenses that refugees have had to pay to flee their homecountry to their country of destination

This installation confronts the viewer with this personal information, which appears in a stock exchange format. Which hopefully starts a dialogue about human rights, freedom, and global economy.

This project is based around the core idea that actual freedom shouldn’t have a price tag.

But there is one problem:

I have no information about the travel expenses (ex-) refugees have had.

That’s where you come in. I am asking you to help me out. I’m discretely trying to obtain this information about expenses through this webpage. At the bottom of this page you can answer four questions about this subject. You would really help me out. All answers will be anonymous and not shared with third parties. 

All the information gathered will be put in this installation. I’m asking you for this favor because I want to create more awareness and let people to be aware of the truth. Let your voice be heard.

The following information will only be used for this installation and nothing else! It’s 100% anonymous, and all data will be deleted after it’s gathered. If you’d like to stay in touch to tell more about your story, or want to receive any updates about the project, feel free to leave your e-mail address in the form. I will handle all information with care and will never share anything with third parties.

    I'll help

    This installation is chosen by the Dutch Committee of Liberation to be exposed in a museum
    (Catherijne Convent, Utrecht) for a whole year (May 6th 2022 – May 4th, 2023).

    About me:

    My name is Tarn Joosting Bunk, I'm a 25 year old student at the HKU in Utrecht. During my time as a student I'm trying to explore the fields of expanded cinema; a way of telling stories without the use of a TV. The Vrijheidsbeurs is in fact a screen, but its process is quite different. Sometimes I feel powerless in the world we live in, especially right now. This installation is kind of my way to deal with the worlds current situation. I'm hoping this piece will have the effect I'm expecting it will have. But there's only one way to find out.